Friday 25 August 2017

Vallorbe to Villars

Still raining but the views as we drove into Switzerland were beautiful!

Initially, we drove through wide open spaces with vast fields of ready to be harvested sunflowers and almost ready corn. New roads and viaducts swept across the country. It felt clean and cared for.

Then we came to Lake Geneva or Lac Leman; gray today and surrounded by huge mountains rising out of swirling cloud and misty rain. Our motorway skirted Lausanne and other towns and then left the lake at Villeneuve. Shortly after, we turned off onto a smaller road and started to climb.

Ollon to Villars is the hill climb course Noel will drive this weekend, if he can. He got a taste of it today in the difficult, steep, winding 10k road between the two towns. Stunning countryside! At times it dropped away sharply down the valley on our side of the road. Hairpin bends were challenging; particularly when we met a bus straddling the centre of the road. A large truck kindly slowed and allowed us to pass carefully, with right hand wheels on the footpath.

Following Vern's instructions, we found the car park for the campers and trailers. It was with incredible relief that we turned off the ignition and stepped out of the motorhome.

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