Friday 25 August 2017

Long frustrating journey.

Seven hours it took us to get from Mulhouse in France to Villars in Switzerland! It must have been very hard on Noel's knee!

We started out later than planned as it just took him longer to do everything. Still in pain but swelling somewhat reduced.

Our SATNAV tried to take us a different way which would have meant entering Switzerland through Basel when the border guards at Vallorbe had been told to expect us. So we had to turn around and go back once I discovered we were heading the wrong way.

Leaving the A36, following our SATNAV, we passed through a small town in order to cross a bridge spanning a river. However, the bridge was being resealed and was closed. The "deviation" would have taken us a long way out of our way on back roads that were probably too small for our motorhome and trailer.  So we turned back to the A36 and went the long way around Besancon, but on good roads.

We came to the border at Vallorbe, where Vern had warned us we could be searched and would have to have all kinds of documentation available to prove we owned our vehicles and other items. I had spent a lot of time on Sue's printer making three copies of everything: invoices, insurance papers, FIA documents for the Gemini etc. Vallorbe was aware of the prestigious hill climb at Villars and would be more agreeable than other border crossings.

By the time we turned up at the border it wad raining and cold and there was even some old residue snow still tucked into some corners.

They smiled and waved us through. Didn't even look at our passports. We were so amazed, we forgot to stop and buy "vignettes" which you have to display on your vehicles to drive in Switzerland. We suddenly remembered after we had driven off and had to turn around and go back. This is no mean feat when you are over 12 meters long!  Noel managed it with the help of a well placed side road, returned to the border control, parked cheekily outside their office. I ducked in and spent NZ$119 on two stickers! They don't do 5 day passes any longer. Smiles all round. We put them on the trailer and motorhome and we drove off again. Villars still over an hour away.

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