Saturday 26 August 2017

Medical marvels!

The hotel arranged transport for us to get to the doctor. They are obviously used to international patients and sports injuries here. After an hour a a quarter wait, we met the doctor who was about our age, spoke excellent English and had a dry wit.

When he ascertained that Noel was a driver in the hill climb, he didn't hesitate to remove the fluid from Noel's knee. This was an extremely painful process, followed by a cortesone injection.

Noel felt an immediate improvement and although still stiff and limping, was able to walk unaided (after he paid the bill!). The hotel transport picked us up. Everyone was keen to know what happened and very impressed with the result. The knee eased more and more as the day went on. Although it could be a very long time before it is totally healed, Noel can now get on with his life.

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