Saturday 26 August 2017

Historic Ecosse Team in Switzerland

I'm not quite sure how it happened but we are part of the Scottish Team here in Villar-sur-Ollon in Switzerland. There are about 18 drivers and wives with some children as well.

The Historic Ollon-Villars Hill Climb takes place every four years.  Motor racing is forbidden in Switzerland but because this is an historic event, for some reason it is allowed. So you see how lucky we are!

Getting organized in 30° heat, in very tight circumstances is quite an achievement. About 1:30, all our team drove or coasted down the mountain to the startline at Ollon. We have a small parking area allotted to us, so all the cars are tightly packed in no particular order. Even within our team, there are a huge variety of cars.

There are several bars and restaurants around and we lost a few of our number to them as the afternoon wore on.

Scutineering was a cursory affair: open the bonnet; does it go? Good! Signing in was similar. What size polo do you want? We also got a large starting number - 58 which meant we had to cover up Noel's 73.

We are worried about the start as it is on a bend, uphill and Noel's clutch will not cope with a repeated stop/start. We are hoping that we will go as a team with 15 seconds between so that once started, he just moves up and pauses at the starting line.

At the end of the afternoon, there were cars and motorbikes parked in every available crevice.  It will take a lot of organization to extract them quickly in the order they are required!

A welcome shower followed by a great salad/pizza/pasta with our team.

Many thanks to Simon and Charlotte During for running us around.

Bed time!

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