Wednesday 30 August 2017

Eurotunnel and UK

After many hours on the road, including some breaks, we arrived at the Eurotunnel checkin about 7:30pm. It was still 29°! Noel and I were quite exhausted.

At the self checkin, we were offered an earlier journey of 20:40 which we took gladly. It was surprising as the lineup of cars and chaos was incredible. Maybe they were just trying to process vehicles as they arrived to get rid of them! They were running five trains an hour, but all a bit late.

While we waited in our designated line, we had a quick and delicious cold meal I had purchased earlier in the day. The crossing was uneventful.

We arrived at Folkestone an hour earlier because of the one hour time difference. However, it was definitely cooler and dark.

Robin had given us instructions on where we might park up overnight as we were arriving too late to get into a campsite. However, when we got there, because it was much earlier than the original plan of midnight, the car park was full and there were people everywhere and it didn't feel safe.

We considered our options, called our mechanic Matt King and he said he would come and let us in so we could camp outside his workshop, which we have done before. An hour later, we were there. By midnight we were showered and tucked up in bed. Very long day!

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