Friday 10 June 2016

Saint Joroiz

Today we biked on the cycle way towards Annecy, a good halfway down the lake to St Jorioz.  They had their market day today with all the usual delicious local products.

We bought some homemade blueberry jam from a very nice young lady. She recommended a restaurant nearby for lunch. I had a local fish called le fera du lac. Noel had a hamburger.  Both were excellent,  but my fish was delicate and beautifully presented. One of the best meals I've had in France so far.

We biked down to the lake from there through a delightful, well cared for neighborhood with some lovely gardens. A cold wind had sprung up on the lakefront. We watched some speeding windsurfers and then headed back home on the cycle way.

It is well used and such an asset to the region and enables you to stay off the busy roads until you get where you're going. Maybe John Key is right to build one in NZ.

Back at camp, we are enjoying sheltered sunshine. The temperature is around 22. We are having drinks with our English neighbours this evening.

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