Tuesday 14 June 2016

Arrival at Lake Orta

We had a tight and steep turn into the camping ground and wondered if we were going to make it and if so, would we ever get out again.

However, we had a very warm welcome by the father and son who own the place. The father immediately took Noel to the assigned site while I paid the bill and sorted out maps, advice and WiFi.

It was a bit of a juggle getting into our site, with Noel and I on walkie-talkies and the older man directing us in a combination of Italian, German and English, waving his arms around and crossing himself from time to time. Someone should have filmed it! We were entertainment for a growing audience who gathered and sat around outside the restaurant to watch.

Once settled, we had an almost constant stream of people of all  nationalities, come to talk to us and look at the car.

We were so exhausted from the long drive and the difficulties of parking and talking that we decided to eat at the restaurant.  Good decision! Excellent food.

I am already managing some Italian. Don't know where that came from! Noel is picking up some words too!

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