Tuesday 14 June 2016

Mt Blanc Tunnel

On Sunday, we left for Italy, via the Mt Blanc Tunnel. 

We decided to go through on Sunday as French trucks take Sunday off and there are hardly any trucks on the road. We had heard stories of 4 kilometers of trucks lining up to pass through the tunnel.

It was an interesting run up to the tunnel with ragged snow topped mountains and alpine villages that we suspect, hardly ever see the sun. At one point we passed the end of a massive glacier. The road just kept winding upwards with some tight corners for our long rig.

I spoke to the toll collector about a return ticket but you have to return within 7 days and that's not possible because of Monza. So we purchased the "simple" for €57.60 and were happy not to be charged extra for the trailer or for our height.

Once through Mt Blanc, the tunnels kept coming as we descended. Hard on the eyes, adjusting from semi darkness to bright sun continually.  Finally in open space,  it was an easy if boring journey with hardly any traffic until we exited about half an hour from our destination. We were hit by another  €61, but we had been on the toll roads for about 3 hours.

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