Friday 8 June 2018


On to Riga about 1 hour and 20 mins away. Over the non existant border where the reminants of earlier formalities remain. Perfect weather day.

Latvia also has a very disturbing violent past with all of it's Jews shot or sent to camps. Latvians formed their own SS division under Nazi rule.

It is now an affluent country of 2.9 million people; 25% of whom are Russian. They are part of the EU and belong to many international organizations such as the WTO, NATO etc.

Beautiful old buildings remain undisturbed by history and many have been restored. The old city is a labarinth of architectural elegance from the past.

2018 is the 100 year celebration of the original declaration of independance. Since then of course, they have fluctuated between Russian, Soviet and German occupation, but are free again.

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