Sunday 3 June 2018

Practice day at the circuit near Kaunas

We found the circuit with a combination of GPS and Google Maps on my phone (never fails!) Nemunas Ring.

Kim's Penny Ford was already unloaded and others arriving and unpacking in a very delapidated stretch of potholes which is to be our pits.

The Australian ladies warned me about the toilets. They have tried claiming one for us by posting a sign on it. I wonder how long that will last with the pressure of racing!

Great to see lots of familiar faces not only from Australia but also UK, Denmark, Germany. Very hot today but good to have some shade under the marquee supplied by Tom Smith who transported the car from the UK for us.

Noel's legs are far too short for the Penny so he has had to make blocks for everything and pad the back of the seat so he can drive it. It is not comfortable! The two practice runs were very scary. The track is in poor condition and the Penny Ford very difficult to handle. Makes the Gemini look so easy! His times were very slow.

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