Wednesday 6 June 2018

Old church in Vilnius

We drove to Vilnius about 1hr 20mins away. It is the capital of Lithuania with over 524,000 residents so we expected it to be a bit more up market than Kaunas.

We had fortuneately been given some advice by some American  photographers traveling with our group. So we came with plenty of small change for the parking meter and had done some homework on where to go. A very friendly young man helped us when we got there with the parking as well, so we were confident when we left the car.

First thing we saw was one of the most intricate brick churches built in the early 15C.

I can't tell you anything else about it as there was no English translation. However, it seemed to have all the original fittings and the brick work in the ceilings especially, made the most of the bricks used resulted in a beautiful and unusual church.

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