Monday 18 June 2018

A taste of Sweden

Just for FJ, the local drivers and organisers had prepared herring in a variety of ways together with some locally produced schnapps or Aquavite. We had a lengthy introduction to the specialties followed by an exhibition of how you sing, eat and drink these delicacies in the traditional way. We then got to sample as much as we could which produced a lot of discussion and some funny facial expressions. The schnapps was about 50% alcohol! A band played period jazz music.

We followed this with a "dinner" for everyone in a big marquee on site, which we paid for. Very basic fare and extremely loud music. You couldn't talk so most people left about 9pm. It was a relief to get back to the hotel. However, we didn't get much sleep because of the continuing parade of cars and motorbikes in the town nearby.

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