Wednesday 25 May 2016

Exhausting day.

Woke up this morning and Noel decided he had better fix his jockey wheel on the trailer. It seemed to have been pushed out of alignment somehow. He was so stiff this morning from the frantic work yesterday, that he sat on the ground to work on the wheel.
It was then that he noticed that the towbar was almost falling off! One bolt missing and one very lose. We would have lost the trailer and Gemini if he hadn't discovered it. So yet something else to fix! His head also has a huge gash in it with surrounding swelling from yesterday when he walked under the Kiwi's ramp as they were lowering it. He's in a bad way.
So we left late but had to stop at a supermarket first. We pulled over along the way, still in Pau, to restart our GPS. A woman knocked on the door and asked if we were from NZ and if she could help. She gave me so many instructions, some of which I understood. She was so happy to help us because we were New Zealanders.
We took a long time to get to our camping ground the far side of Carcassonne. Noel was very tired and at one point we pulled into an Aire so he could sleep. We also went cross country for a while which was much more interesting and helped keep him going but also added to the length of the drive.
Back on the Peage again, we passed Carcassonne on the left and had a wonderful view of the old, walled  city. It was quite a sight!
We only just made it through some very narrow streets to the campsite.  It is very quiet and pretty here with a lovely big pool, but unfortunately, no drier. I have so much washing I don't know how I'm going to get it all dry and see Carcassonne in the short time we are here.
I'm including some great shots (not mine) of Noel at practice at Pau. Would we come back? He'd like to have another go at the circuit which he found exhilarating, but it's a long way to come. I liked it because I was so close to the city I could walk up and have a lovely break from the noise. Not many circuits are so well placed .

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