Monday 6 February 2017

Noel's last race.

My childhood friend Heather turned up today, hoping to see Noel race. However, he was working on the gearbox again and it looked as though he wasn't going to be finished in time for the last race.
Suddenly, we noticed he was suited up and in the car. Just in time!

He had a poor start so had a few to pass to catch up with the leaders. He started to make his way through the field.

Then at the top of the circuit he slowed and was passed. What had gone wrong now?

He pulled off, remaining on tarmac, the car smoking. The Gemini burst into flames! Noel did not seem to move (from our distant viewpoint). Then he was getting out, showing some urgency. Then reaching back in for the fire extinguisher.  The commentator, Michael Clark, kindly advised me over the PA that all was well. The marshals put the fire out and the tow truck arrived.

The race was restarted.

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