Sunday 26 February 2017

Noel NZ Tour memories

Hampton Downs, Gemini work on gearbox Taupo, car on fire Ruapuna in Christchurch, working with David at home in Christchurch, multi cars racing at Levels in Timaru, class win and lap record at Teretonga in Invercargill, Bruce McLaren trophy presented by Howden Ganley  at Teretonga.

NZ Tour - More People

Jim Blockley UK, Tony Pearson UK, Neil McCrudden WA, Lance Carwardine WA, Graham Barron UK.

NZ Tour more people memories

Nigel Russell, Alan Cattle, Paul Halford, Michael Sexton, Phil Foulkes.  NZ'ers.

Nz Tour - More Memories

More people: Peter Anstiss and David Innes UK, Robin and Sue Longdon UK, JR Mitchell USA, Doug Elcomb Canada, Tony Olissoff NZ.

FJHRA Diamond Jubilee NZ Tour - Memories

People: FJ Patron Howden Ganley, visionary Duncan and wife Mair Rabagliati UK, Marty Bullock WA, Mimi and John Delane USA, Jac Nellemann Denmark.

Sunday 19 February 2017

Marty Bullock

Special mention must be made of Martin Bullock from Western Australia  with whom Noel had some wonderful competition.

He told me he admired Noel and said as much when he received his trophy. He is a fun, good hearted person and a real sportsman. I'm sure we will  meet again either here or in Perth.

Noel's special trophy

Noel won First in Class and was relieved and happy that he had made it to the end.

What he didn't expect, was a special trophy awarded by Howden Ganley; the Bruce McLaren trophy for the effort he made after each problem, some quite major, to get the car fixed and back on the track again. In true McLaren fashion to never give up. It was a great honour for him and many thanks to Howden for recognising the huge effort he puts into the Gemini.

More from Prizegiving

Packing up

The rush is on to get all the cars back into the containers, tied down securely for their journey along with the spare tires, gearboxes, engines, broken parts and all.

The last NZ Prizegiving

We all gathered under the big marquee with Duncan, Howden Ganley and Nigel Russell and a table full of trophies.

Lots of happy faces and some popular winners.

Last race Teretonga

Noel is back on the grid in number two spot. He got a great start and pulled away from Marty. They ebbed and flowed for several laps but finally Marty caught him and sped ahead.

Noel took the checkered flag in second place with Phil and Grant Clearwater behind.

Teretonga First race Sunday

Noel started at the back as here grid position is determined by place in last race, not the usual best time.

He flew through the start immediately passing five cars.  He was up behind Robin who took up the space he wanted to pass and ended up momentarily on the grass. He continued eating up the field, ending up in second place. It was very exciting to watch.

Unfortunately, right at the finish line, David Innes 's car lost gears and stopped with Robin in full flight for the finish line behind him. There was nowhere for Robin to go and he plowed into David. Both cars are badly damaged but both men walked away, shaken but not injured.

Howden Ganley

Patron for FJ , I first met him at the beginning of the NZ Tour although Noel already knew him.

We bought his book, "Road to Monaco" and I have almost finished reading it. About his life as a mechanic and driver covering so many different kinds of cars and manufactures but including Gemini Mk4 , Formula 5000, F1 and McLaren.
It is so interesting and well written and of course there is an ever present NZ connection.

A very nice man.

Another Saturday night

Hosted by Teretonga. Food music and some entertaining speeches.

Formula Junior were featured. Marty and Jac interviewed by Michael Clark finishing with a talk from Duncan and Howden Ganley who both received a standing ovation from the FJ people.

Duncan is amazing in his vision for FJ but also his knowledge of every car. He goes to every race and races and is constantly using his influence to get events for us. In his seventies, I don't know how he does it! (Well, yes, Mair is her name!)

Problem solved - FJ Family

Everyone flocked to see what had gone wrong.  Once again, one of the FJ family was able to help.

Not for the first time, Richard Bishop-Miller  (who also helped Noel at Monza), came up with the solution and together, the problem was quickly fixed. Don't know about the body, but racing again tomorrow!