Sunday 18 June 2017

Motorhome madness!

We sourced another motorhome, better than before. However, at the other end of the country! From Sandringham to Portsmouth is a good 5 hour drive. We set off at the crack of 10am after goodbyes to Marie and Kim and emptying and filling our motorhome.

We had to fight a bit of traffic. Surprise surprise! Arrived eventually after 3pm.

A good selection, already sorted by advising our requirements.  Decision is still difficult.

They plugged us in so we could stay overnight. During the night we made our decision and then changed it again in the morning.

Finally, a deal was made. Everyone happy if somewhat exhausted. I don't think we have ever taken so long to make up our minds! Must be getting old!

We have done it on a trade in basis, or part exchange as its called here. This means, once we pick up the trailer and Gemini, return to Knutsford, empty and clean the motorhome, we have to drive south again to deliver it. We will fly back to Manchester same day. No avoiding complications for us! However, this is easier than sending the old one back to NZ as we are just running out of time.

The new one is a Knaus. German made. A totally different layout to what we have now so will take some getting used to. It should be a lot easier for Noel to drive.

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