Wednesday 20 September 2017

Good to be home.

Sun is shining although Noel thinks it's cold.

Garden looks good. Pepper looks good.

Lots to do in the office but Pepper is supervising!

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Smog in Hong Kong

Couldn't see much at all because of smog. Good to have a hotel room. Start the next leg of the journey rested and refreshed.

Saturday 16 September 2017


Sue cooked a wonderful filet of pork for our last supper. They invited John and Alison Sykes who we know to join us. We had a great evening with lots of laughs.

Noel had cleaned the BMW so no sign of Goodwood mud. They were very impressed.

Finally at the airport, waiting for the call. We had too much luggage and they wanted to charge over £500 for the extra kilos. We re arranged things and Noel threw out some shoes. Mainly his race gear was the problem. He can buy a few pairs of shoes for the money he has saved!

Through security, we had to remove our watches, Kindles, belts, tablets, jackets and cardigans. It was pandemonium!

Good we left for the airport early and had plenty of time.

Friday 15 September 2017


We finished packing! The rental car, a 5 series BMW, is totally full. We delivered the motorhome to the docks in Southampton after a few GPS hiccups. What a relief!

Driving back to Robin and Sue's, we stopped briefly in Winchester for a great lunch. Looks a great place to spend more time. Full of character.

Good to get back to our second home and out to a great old pub for a meal with Robin's brother David. Fish again! I'm spoilt!

Thursday 14 September 2017

Packing up to go home.

Next day, we were busy again cleaning out the motorhome and packing our suitcases. It seems as though there is always something more to do. It is a big job!

Nearly finished, we are having dinner at Arun View, a pub with a view of the Arun River. Finally I get to eat some fish!

Gemini ready for shipping.

Noel worked hard to get the Gemini and all the associated equipment packed into the trailer. It is packed to the gills!

Tuesday we drove 2 hrs to Basildon on the East coast and delivered it for shipping.  We were lucky to have a good run and made it back to our campsite at Littlehampton about 3pm.  Pretty exhausted.


Watching so many people leaving Goodwood on Sunday night, the rain pouring down, Noel got worried we wouldn't make it Monday morning. He had organised with David, Robin's brother, to tow us if necessary.  However, Noel decided to move to a better position to dodge some of the mud.

Yes, he got stuck! We ended up blocking some others who wanted to leave early Monday. So we called a tractor. They were very busy that night and we had quite a wait. Eventually, we were towed just a few meters to firmer ground. The rain continued to pour down.

Next morning at 7am, we managed without help to drive the motorhome and trailer with me in the rental car out of the field.

We picked up the Gemini and Trailer, said goodbye to Susanne and Peter and we headed to Sainsbury's to get all the mud off all three vehicles.

Lovely FJ friends

This photo taken at the Goodwood party. Susanne and Peter Knoefel with Noel and I. Good friends.

Monday 11 September 2017

Final wet day at Goodwood

We did a slow tidy up this morning and didn't get over to event until midday. Just in time to meet Sue and Robin coming back and say goodbye.

We went to the Rolex Driver's Club for lunch and were joined by Nina and Colin.  Said goodbyes to a few people including Howden and Joy, as well as Gillian Goldsmith who had befriended Noel and given him valuable advice about racing here. Such a shame he didn't get the opportunity to use it!

By the time we left the Club, a severe and cold wind had come up bringing driving rain. Noel went to pack up some of his equipment and ran into my cousin's wife's sister and husband. Unfortunately I wasn't there.

I walked back to the camping ground via the Goodwood shops and bought a raincoat, which I lost no time slipping into. The walk back was long, bitterly cold.

Noel spent some time in the rain trying to clean the inside of the trailer and pack some things in it before we re able to load the Gemini in the morning. 

I sat and watched an amazing parade of cars, caravans, trucks and vans trying to get out through the mud. Two tractors are trying to tow a huge rig out of its parking place. One was not enough!

It will be our turn in the morning!

Sunday 10 September 2017

The show and the crowd.

To flares and a ramp up of the music, the stage show shook the marquee. Dancers with tropical head dresses, colour and frills filled the dance floor to huge applause.

Everyone else followed. The floor was jam packed as well as the bar with people jostling for exotic drinks.

An absolute spectical!

Inside Club Tropicana l

The decorations were fantastic! We were upstairs on the mezanine (remember this is a marquee) so had a great view of everything. Music in theme. Three fabulous courses for dinner, wine flowed and open bar as well. This is conspicuous consumption gone mad!

Party Time at Goodwood

Saturday night there is always a party for drivers etc. Always a theme. Last night the theme was "Club Tropicana, Cuba: Cuban heals and salsa ready." In other words, colour!

We arrived early to get a park near the entrance to avoid as much mud as possible. While we waited in the car, there was a fabulous display put on by a Spitfire and Mustang, flying in sync against the colourful sunset. Stunning!

As well, we watched as maybe 20 different Rolls Royce drove up and disgorged glamorous passengers, to be hassled by actors dressed as Cuban millitary; carrying guns and looking loutish.

Once we had run the gauntlet, we were greeted by a "Cuban"in white dinner jacket who took our names and explained the location of our table.

Guests poured in, quickly filling the front part of the marquee. Everyone dressed for the party.

Then the doors were opened.

Big day Goodwood

Race one today is the Formula Junior race. Noel at 12th position.

He had a good start and quickly went to 10th place. Second lap, he had slowed and was back to 11th. Something is wrong. We strain to see. As he comes into sight, he has his hand up. He comes into the pit lane.

When Sue, Robin and I got to Parc Ferme, there he was with oil pouring out of the car! Devastating! Four years of planning and hoping for an invitation!

There is nothing to be done except put the car back in the marquee.  It must remain on display until Sunday evening.

We go back to the Driver's Club to get a coffee. Noel showers and changes back into his dressup clothes. We join the crowds and head to Bonhams for the auction of Robin's child's Porsche that he has for sale. It sells well. We head back to the Club for lunch. Noel packs up his race gear, hands in his locker key and we head back to the motorhome to rest before tonight's party.

Shops and entertainment around Goodwood

All in period of course! There's also Bonhams Auctions on Saturday for the extremely well healed.