Thursday 31 May 2018

Stock Exchange Building

Quite different with the ornate spire.

The National Arsenal Museum

It covers two floors of a beautiful old building. Downstairs centries old canons and modern atillery stretch the length of the building. There is also a very well conceived exhibiton of Denmark's part in the war in Afghanistan. Almost like being there.

However, it is upstairs that is amazing. Again the long, well lit building stretches out to accommodate the very best in models of old ships and interesting paraphernalia. Another alley features weaponry, armour and uniforms, centuries old to 20thC. All elegantly and beautifully displayed with English interpretations.

The buildings and gardens of Castle Island

We crossed over to the island which has the stock exchange, the Christiansborg Palace, the horse parade ground, the gardens and library buildings and the National Arsenal Museum among it's attractions.

There was also an very interesting exhibit of political cartoons over a hundred years. Fortuneately with explanations in English so in many cases, we could appreciate the humour.

We enjoyed sitting in the library gardens. In spite of tourists and groups of school children (all very well dressed and behaved), it was very peaceful.

Copenhagen - day 3

After another fortifying breakfast, we head off to the Christiansborg Palace, which is Denmark's seat of government.

We passed by Nyhaven once again, which sparkled in the sun. Hundreds of personal padlocks are attached to the railings on the bridge

 We came across an interesting church which was an old naval church. Very interesting inside. Featured a wonderful old organ.

Wednesday 30 May 2018


The days seem very long here with early sunrise and late sunset. Our hotel is on the waterfront with all kinds of sail boats, motor boats and even the navy. Crowds of sunworshipers

spread out along the piers with many chancing a swim.

To avoid traffic, Jac dropped us near The Little Mermaid and we walked back to our hotel through an old barracks area and along the seafront. Very hot. We stopped at the bar overlooking the old sailing boats and drank a refreshing Rose and watched all the comings and goings.

Copenhagen day 2: Eating

Its Noel's birthday and a stunning 27 degrees and sunny.

We started the day well with breakfast at the hotel. Really expensive but so good you can't go past it. Mostly organic food with something for every taste. A large pot of good coffee on every table and this morning we were treated to a chef's special raspberry juice.

Noel went off to meet Jac and Colin at Jac's indoor Go Karting track. Slick, professional with electric karts. A printed time sheet of each lap.

Jac and Noel picked me up from the hotel and we drove into the countryside to the Scandinavian Golf Club for lunch with Brigitte, Nina and Colin. Very hot in the sun and most of us struggling to be under the shade of the umberella. Beautiful food and lots of laughs with good company. Beautiful ceiling in the restaurant.

Monday 28 May 2018

Arrival in Copenhagen

It is quite cool and raining. Thought we had left that all behind. Supposed to improve through the day.

Good flights. We arrived at 6am so waiting at hotel for our room to be ready. Admiral Hotel used to be a grainery and right on the sea. Has lots of character. Looking forward to a shower and exploring our surrounds.

New Adventure

We are off to race in the FJ Baltic Series: Lithuania, Latvia and Sweden.

The Gemini is still not ready but Kim Shearn has kindly offered Noel his Penny Ford which is based in the UK to drive. Noel has not even sat in it before. It is being transported with others, so Noel has the new status of "arrive and drive" driver.He didn't even bring any tools! Hope it goes!

We are sitting in the Cathay Pacific Lounge in HK waiting for our onward flight to Copenhagen. We will spend three days there before flying on to Kaunas, Lithuania.

Thursday 24 May 2018

Gyrocopter ride.

Noel got it into his head that he would like to fly in a Gyrocopter. Next day we took off down to Tauranga where he had arranged for a half hour flight at the airport.

Glorious day with a fresh breeze. They took off and flew around the area; over the Mount and sea and Tauranga. He had been given a lengthy briefing which included instructions for him to take the controls. So he didn't see as much as he would have liked because he was concentrating.

It was fun. There were quite a number of Gyrocopters there; each a little different.

ANZAC Day 2018

Beautiful autumn day in Auckland.

We were out in the

Porsche enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. We stopped at Ardmore Airport to take a look at some of the old planes taking part in the annual ANZAC Day Flyover in Auckland.