Wednesday 31 January 2018


We tried three different tow companies and no one could help us: too late, too difficult, too big. Even the AA said we were too big.

Finally in desperation, we called in at Bridgestone Tires and the kind man there rang someone who said he would come with a Ute.

He met us at the motorhome and towed it to Waiuru to a safe spot for us to deal with the problem.

By now everyone is closed but Noel is doing what come natural and seems to have found the problem. A hose for coolant has broken.

Broken down in the middle of nowhere!

Halfway between Taihape and Waiuru,  we lost power and smoke billowed out of the engine and into the cab. I yelled at Noel to stop and we both kept out. Very close to a blind corner at one end and a hill at the other. Some nice People saw the sudden smoke and stopped behind us and put their hazard lights on. Aucklanders, actually. Their advice was to go back to Taihape as it is bigger than Waiuru. So we disconnected the Diahatsu and sped back as the afternoon was drawing in.

Going home !

Finished as much as we can do. Nice tenants at Electrix gave us a bottle of Champagne and some flowers as thanks for doing all we did and having it ready for them on time. Heading home.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Almost done!

Huge undertaking! Nearly there. Problem with fire regs changing without putting in place any alternative.  Mad! Left hanging and unable to finished extended sprinkler system. We want to go home tomorrow, but who knows...

Monday 15 January 2018

Builders on site today!

Making progress with building work at last! Had a lot of the rubbish removed and it looks a lot better. The hedge took me days to cut, weed and cleanup.  Noel constantly grinding concrete and sweeping up. Painters falling behind. Still lots to do!

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Back in Palmy

Monday 8th and nine trades here. These guys plus roofers, drain unblocked and roller door company. Plus several others through the day. Very hot! Very busy keeping tabs on everyone.