Monday 31 July 2017

Motorhome City.

With 3 motorhomes in the yard plus two trailers and several cars, it is a bit crowded here!

We spent all day yesterday trying to fit everything into our motorhome. Noel built racking and cut up pieces of an old carpet that Robin had. The garage is full!

Inside I organised and reorganised and threw surplus out. Hope I can remember where everything is! Towel rails installed, lights on the wardrobes and a place for everything and everything in its place. There is an art to this! Everything has to be secure or tied down for travel.

Another exhausting day!

Saturday 29th July

We were rather tired after a five hour drive Portsmouth to Knutsford. Yes, Robert we did go the way you suggested. It avoided the M6 traffic and toll, although as Caravan Club members we only pay £5.50, the rate for a car.

It was like coming back to our second home when we arrived at Robin and Sue's. They have bought a motorhome to send to NZ  for the summer and so we had tours of our new vehicles and swapped notes over a cup of tea.

Went to a super new restaurant in the evening in the old Knutsford courthouse. Beautiful old building with lots of atmosphere and good food. The bartenders called "order!" when a round of drinks was ready in a tone that suggested "order in the court". Our table was in old public gallery.

Saturday 29 July 2017

First meal

Rather meager fare!

First night in our new home.

We finally showered and changed just before 8pm. Very hungry, we braved a windy and damp night to walk to the local pub.

"Sorry luv! Chef has closed the kitchen!"

Totally dumbfounded, we hurried next door to the supermarket, also about to close. We bought some precooked pasta, broccoli and Parmesan. And a bottle of red wine! Hurried back home and with only one saucepan, prepared a quick meal. It wasn't long before we were sound asleep, parked on the side road, with an umbilical cord attached to Southdown for power.

Arrived in UK

We flew into Gatwick to be closer to Portsmouth.  Andy from Southdown Motorhomes picked us up and drove us down to Portsmouth to collect the motorhome. We drove along a lot of back roads: Andy's short cuts. Very pretty villages.

At Southdown, it took forever seemingly before we even saw our new motorhome and then a couple of hours of handover, which, in our zombie jet lagged state, was hard work. Information overload!

We set about unpacking 4 large suitcases and some boxes that we had previously stored in the motorhome.

It was a pretty exhausting day. We were back and forth several times to their workshop to get a few minor things sorted. As you try things, you find out how they work or don't.  We were helped by a really friendly  technical man who always quickly sorted the problem.

In spite of one or two niggles, we have been very happy with Southdown as a company. After they had closed for the day, we realised that we didn't have a tool box.  Several people came to check and within 20 mins we had one which Noel fitted into place. Of course, it should have been there in the first place, but at least they bent over backwards to rectify it.

Friday 28 July 2017


Now back in Hong Kong. Take off at 0:55. Gatwick and Portsmouth only 17 - 18 and rain. Mid summer!

Monday 24 July 2017

Life in the fast lane.

After only three and a half weeks back home, we are getting ready for the next trip to Europe.  Only three events this time, so lots of real holiday inbetween and of course some secondary car stuff!

Copenhagen for the first time. Racing through the streets in the Historic Grand Prix, Royal gala dinner and sightseeing all sound good.

Looking forward to visiting the BMW Museum in Munich and the Bugatti Museum in Mulhouse.

Prestigious Historic Hillclimb in Switzerland and Trip back up through France.

The big event is back in England for the Goodwood Revival - racing and all the associated fun events.

Still lots to do and finalize.