Monday 30 January 2017

Noel's gearboxes fixed!

Duncan Fox gave up his Sunday yesterday and both he and Noel worked the entire day to fix both gearboxes. Many thanks, Duncan!

Today Noel still doing a few last jobs before taking the car to be loaded into a container for the trip to Christchurch.

There are only 4 cars going from Auckland in the container by road. We are slightly nervous because the main road in the South Island from Picton to Christchurch was damaged by the earthquakes and the only road available is a back road through the mountains. Not really suitable for container trucks and all the traffic it now carries.

This is now  much longer trip and the cars probably won't arrive until Friday.

Taupo; stories and rumours

FJ lap record: it is interesting to look back just three or four years to Peter Anstiss' (Uk) last visit when he laid down a lap record in the 1:49's. This last weekend, there were some 12 drivers under that mark, including Greg Thornton 1:44's and Noel 1:45's.
Peter Anstiss was consistently around the 1:46's, but remember, he was suffering from jetlag!

Our friend Roger Ealand's Koala is now in the hands of Mike Rowe. He didn't appear in racing on Saturday, but on Sunday achieved in the 1:57's.

Roger Herrick bent his chassis and is not loading this morning.

Max Pegram has a broken diff.

Robs Lamplough still sorting out the engine mixup.

Richard Bishop-Miller still has the fingers on his good hand crossed that he can fix his engine.

Joe Ricciardo  (yes, father of Daniel) is going home. In spite of having his friend and mechanic Brett Lupton with him who has prepared a beautiful car, he's unhappy with his performance. This is his first trip away and I'm sure we'll be seeing more of him.

Not sure about Alan Cattle.

As you can see, attrition is rampant with these old cars being pushed beyond their years.

Rumour has it that Ruapuna in Christchurch has put all the Formula Juniors together on one grid. This could cause even more problems with cars of differing abilities racing at once. There are only 40 places on the grid, so not enough for all our cars. Mind you, at this rate of attrition, it might work!

Sunday 29 January 2017

Taupo 2nd race for FJ Class D&E

First Greg Thornton UK
Second Marty Bullock Western Australia
Third Robin Longdon UK

The weather in Taupo and Auckland is beautiful which puts a good light on the NZ Tour.

Gearbox archilles heal?

Having used up both gearboxes, there was only one thing to do.
We packed up as quickly as possible and headed back to Auckland, to Duncan Fox. We hope he can fix both gearboxes before we are due to load the Gemini into a container on Monday morning to be transported to the South Island for the rest of the series.

No pressure!!

Whatever happened to Noel?

In this first race, he had a brilliant start, level with Greg on the straight and both of them leaving Martin behind. By the first corner, the three of them were packed tight as you see from my photo in the previous post. Greg and Noel pulled away from Marty and it looked sewn up.
But the fat lady had not sung!
Noel lost drive again in the gearbox replacement installed only yesterday! Is it the same problem?

Taupo FJ Class D&E first race

Greg Thornton UK drives a beautiful Lotus 22 and is easily the front runner in this group. Looked after by Classic Lotus and always immaculate.
He was hotly pursued by Noel in this race but really Noel had no chance of overtaking get him unless he made a mistake.
Instead, Noel disappeared at out of sight at the top of the track, only to be towed back in.
Marty Bullock from WA came a joyful second, followed by Peter Anstiss UK who is doing a very good job of pretending he's not suffering from  jetlag!

2nd race Class A at Taupo.

Jac Nellemann from Denmark looks unbeatable. This time Max Pegram from Australia was second, followed by Peter Benbrook NZ.

FJ Class A first race Saturday

First Jac Nellemann
Second Peter Benbrook
Third Walter Findlay

Tony Olissoff only completed 4 laps. Mike Rowe DNS. Richard Bishop-Miller has major engine problems. His hand is still very swollen. Rob's Lamplough had a mixup when his engine was installed. They installed the wrong one.

Qualifying FJ D & E Class later model FJ's

Greg Thornton UK best time 1:42.843
Noel Woodford NZ best time 1:44.322
Marty Bullock Western Australia best time 1:44.718
Peter Anstiss UK best time 1:45.898
John Delane California USA best time 1:46.529
Robin Longdon UK best time 1:46.669
Phil Foulkes NZ best time 1:47.291
David Innes UK best time 1:47.403
Peter Boel NZ best time 1:47.990
David Watkins Western Australia best time 1:48.138
Neil McCrudden Western Australia best time 1:48.319
Joe Ricciardo WA best time 1:48.604
Bruce Edgar Western Australia best time 1:49.372
Jim Blockley UK best time 1:51.121
JR Mitchell Connecticut USA best time 1:52.390
Tony Simmons Sydney Australia best time 1:54.877
Nick Grewal USA best time 1:54.933

Robs Lamplough UK, Lance Carwardine WA and David Kent NSW did not qualify.


FJ A Class - the older model FJ's:

Jac Nellemann Denmark best time
Tony Olissoff NZ best time 1:52.364
Jim Barclay NZ best time 1:56.401
Doug El combination Canada best time 1:57.142
Roger Herrick NZ best time 1:58.120
Verne Williamson UK best time1:58.144
Graham Barron UK best time 1:58.755
Richard Bishop Miller UK best time 2:02.059
Duncan Rabagliati UK best time

Friday 27 January 2017

Gearbox problems again!

Here we go again! Noel was running well in practice with some very fast times. First, third gear disappeared.  JR MITCHELL from Connecticut sorted it pretty quickly.
Then he had no drive! Much more serious! J R looked at it along with others but nothing was really apparent. Noel had brought another gearbox with him so decided to change it. Fortunately, Grant Bowring (of help at Goodwood in 2013 fame) was there and again huge practical help. Noel got it finished in time to clean up and attend a great night at the Hilton put on by Taupo Council.

FJ Diamod Jubilee Tour in Taupo

The cars and drivers settle in to the marquee.  It is cold! However, rain free and Saturday and Sunday looking good. Peter Anstiss arrived midnight yesterday from UK. Everyone seems to have had a good time in their few free days between circuits.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

FJ Prizegiving at Hampton Downs

Tony Olissoff made some really unique trophies which Duncan handed out to all deserving drivers.
Noel came home with First in Class: drum brake rear engine.
John Delaney from California was second, followed by JR Mitchell from Connecticut USA.
Disc brake rear engine was won by Greg Thornton UK . Second Marty Bullock WA and third Robin Longdon UK.
Jac Nellemann Denmark won front engine with Tony O second and Paul Halford NZ Third.
Italian front engine class won by Paul Halford, followed by Nigel Russell and Mike Sexton all from NZ.

Last race for Group 2.

Greg Thornton UK came in first with best time of 1:54.959.
Marty Bullock Western Australia had the most amazing start. He was in second row on the grid and rocketed between Noel and Greg to get ahead. He says he hasn't quite got the hang of it yet! His best time: 1:56.130.
Noel Woodford NZ was a very respectable third with a best time of 1:57.568.
A little light drizzle made top times impossible and meant a few didn't finish in the slippery conditions.  Frustrating for Robin Longdon UK, Lance Carradine WA, Joe Ricciardo WA and Jim Blockley UK.  Cars full of "kitty litter" and mud.

The last races day 2.

Group 1:
Jac Nellemann Denmark made it this time . His best time was 2:21.506 in lap 3.
Tony Olissoff NZ was second with best time of 2:21.802 in the 4th.
Paul Halford NZ followed with best time of 2:29.282.
I don't know how Richard Bishop Miller UK managed to drive with an injured thumb.  It happened yesterday when his car touched Duncan Rabagliati 's. His whole hand is swollen. He's more worried about his car!
Alan Cattle NZ spun and Walter Findlay NZ couldn't avoid him. Both DNF. Also Graham Barron UK and Garth Thomas NZ.

HD day 2

Group 2:
Greg Thornton UK just too GOOD! TIME 1: 58. Unfortunately track damp and slippery so he's not going to make 1:49.
Noel Woodford NZ second and Marty Bullock from Western Australia Third.
Just 17 left in the field.

HD day 2.

Tony Olissoff NZ came first. He is on cloud nine!
Followed by Jac Nellemann from Denmark.
Graham Barron from UK was third.

Etiquette on the track.

Tony Olissoff Kay's down the law

Sunday 22 January 2017

Day 2 Hampton Downs racing

Group 1:
First Tony Olissoff NZ
Second Jac Nellemann Denmark
Third Graham Barron UK

Group 2
First Greg Thornton UK
Second Noel Woodford NZ
Third Martin Bullock

Both wet/ dry races with mainly fine weather but track wet on parts so times slower than yesterday. Robin Longdon says he loves the circuit. Others have had lots of problems, sometimes serious but settling into it now. Greg Thornton wants to get into 1:49's! So far best time 1:516.

Group 2 race 2

A very slippery track but a good race. Lots of congestion at the start.
First Greg Thornton UK
Second Marty Bullock Western Australia
Third Noel Woodford NZ

Fist data 2nd races

Group 1
First Jac Nellemann Denmark
Second Tony Olissoff NZ
Third Chris Atkinson NZ

I think Chris was in a hurry to finish as his daughter was giving birth to her first child. A little girl. All well.

FJ Diamond Jubilee Auckland day 2

We were hit by a weather bomb last night. Violent North Easterlies and driving rain. People camped at the track in motorhomes had a night to remember chasing tents and trying to keep cars under awnings dry and safe.
Duncan and Mair attended the Kenny Smith dinner at the track and were driven back to our place by Paul Halford in his old Lamborghini.  Pouring rain and trees down and accidents. This is not our usual summer!
Today, the weather is clearing but the track remains wet.

FJ Group 2

Race 1
First Greg Thornton UK
Second Marty Bullock Western Australia
Third Robin Longdon UK

Greg has a good lead over the others. Classic Team Lotus Andrew Beaumont dropped an oil line and wrecked the engine in lap 2. Huge amount of oil spilled. Race immediately under safety car and finished that way after a couple more laps. Disappointing! Lots of others DNF. Noel was 4th in the Gemini.

Formula Junior Diamond Jubilee NZ 2017

FJ Group 1 race 1:
First Jac Nellemann Denmark
Second Tony Olissoff NZ
Third Paul Halford NZ

Oily track but sun is shining.

Saturday 21 January 2017

Hampton Downs: first race day.

Started cold but the sun came out and warmed us all up. An early start for the FJ'S with first and second race slots, and another after lunch.

Formula Junior on track again!

Welcome dinner 19th January 2017

Noel and I organised a welcome dinner for all the FJ drivers and wives etc who are here in Auckland for the start of the New Zealand tour. St Margaret's cafe in a beautiful garden in Karaka, half way between Auckland and the circiut at Hampton Downs, was the perfect location except for those who got caught in Auckland's dreadful commuter traffic! Great food and wonderful to get everyone together.
80 people including Patron, Howden Ganley and of course Duncan Rabagliati. We had 24 Brits, 15 Aussies, 3 Americans, 1 Canadian and 37 Kiwis. Some had only flown in that day!